Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Heather A. Zarkadas Children's Fund

Spende geschützt
On March 29th, 2016 we lost our Heather. Heather Konig Zarkadas was 44.  She died suddenly of complications due to her chemotherapy to treat breast cancer.  Heather leaves behind her loving husband of 17 years and their three young daughters 13, 11, & 6.  

Heather was a friend I have known since birth.  She was the sister I could cry with, laugh with, and yes fight with. There was nothing we didn't know about each other. Heather's life was not an easy one.  Her husband battled cancer twice (and won) early in their marriage. She lost her mother and two brothers at an early age. She leaves behind one last sibling, her sister Moira. 

For those of you that know me well, know how much this family means to me. I would be SO grateful if you would consider donating to this fund to help Jimmy raise these girls and ease any financial burden they may have.  After 9/11 the out pouring of support I received was heartwarming and restored my faith in what is good about life.  I would like to pay it forward for my Heather.

My Sincerest Thanks,

Eileen Erwin-Michael


  • Teodora Misic
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Eileen O'Sullivan Erwin-Michael
Verona, NJ
Moira Gigliotti

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