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Alyssa Cather's Road to Recovery

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As some of you may know, my 24-year-old cousin, Alyssa Cather, was seriously injured in a car accident on Sunday afternoon, September 10th, 2017. It was a freak accident, but left her severely injured and in the hospital at MCV. She has endured 4 surgeries since Sunday evening, with many, many more to go. Along with having her spleen removed, her liver and kidney both severely lacerated, she broke her femur as well. Alyssa still has to have surgery on her face and is looking at a few more surgeries along the way. She briefly opened her eyes on Tuesday evening, but is still heavily sedated. While not out of the woods completely, she is stable at the moment. In the spirit of my inspirational brother, and my immediate family, I am asking for help on Alyssa's behalf. She is facing a long road to recovery and while the prayers have gotten her this far, the financial burden will be immense.. I think we all understand that life is precious, short, and can be cruel at times. If every one of my Facebook followers gave $1.00, we may be able to reach that goal. I understand not everyone likes to give in this manner, so prayers and support are always welcome. Let's help Alyssa and her family focus on getting better and help her on the road to recovery. God Bless each and everyone of you who take the time to read this, donate, and pray.

The Cather family sends their blessings to you all.


  • Pam & Greg Davis
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Josh Gentry
Laurel, VA
Janet Cather

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