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Babe Ruth World Series in Arkansas

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Please help the Mid-Atlantic Babe Ruth Champion 14 year old Atlantic Shore Baseball team. The boys and their families will now represent the entire region at the Babe Ruth World Series in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
To assist with funding this once in a lifetime experience, we ask for your generous support. These boys, who emerged from over 100 teams, represent our local downbeach cities and the mainland towns of Northfield, Linwood, and Upper Township. We thank you for helping the boys realize their dream. The boys and their families have just a little more than a week to get ready for this experience. Click on the link below for our exciting schedule which begins Friday, August 15th with a game against Pacific Southwest.


  • Bird Family
    • $75
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Atlantic Shore Babe Ruth
Northfield, NJ
William Robert Rauzzino

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt