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Woman's best friend, Dallas

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A friendship with a dog is like no other and when Dallas was born two years ago, I knew I would never find another bond like the one we instantly created. She is my best friend, my confidante, my soul mate.

When you get a dog, you accept full responsibility for them and anything that may go wrong. You know that your dog relies solely on you to take care of them. You know bad things can happen, and if it does you expect the worst, but that feeling when the worst is confirmed is a feeling I will never forget.

On Sunday, 2nd September, I took Dallas to the vet with a suspected bladder infection. She had started urinating inside very frequently and struggled to go more than 10-15 minutes without going outside to the toilet. Her stomach had also become quite hard, almost like a rock was inside of her. The vet advised that they didn't think it was a bladder infection and that they would do an x-ray. After the x-ray was completed, the vet called me to advise they thought she was severely constipated and had pyometra (an infection in her uterus). Dallas is not desexed yet so they would give her emergency surgery to remove her uterus and then help her go to the toilet. She explained the risks to me but when I got a phone call less than an hour later, I never could have imagined what they were going to tell me. They had started the surgery and cut Dallas open - a long line down her stomach - but instead of finding an infected uterus they saw fluid and large masses between her kidney and bladder which they suspected to be tumours. They advised they would not go ahead with the surgery and that I needed to take her to a specialist vet as soon as possible to have further tests completed. 

Sunday night she was transferred to an animal specialist and referral centre which is where she is still hospitalised. On Tuesday, the vet did a CT scan of Dallas's chest and entire abdomen. He said the mass originates in her kidney and stretches all the way down the right side of her stomach and into her pelvic cavity. He advised that it is a tumour and did several core biopsy's so they can identify the name of the tumour. The vet was very honest with me and said due to the size of the tumour, he is afraid they may not be able to remove it and is concerned there may not be any treatment. Unfortunately, due to where the tumour is, Dallas cannot go to the toilet. She has a urinary catheter in and is becoming quite backed up. I get the results back from the biopsy's on Thursday 6th September and will know more then. 

I am hoping and praying for a better outcome, but I do have to prepare myself to make a decision I didn't imagine I would need to make so soon. 

I will do anything to help my little girl but the vet bills are starting to increase exponentially - currently, the total is approximately $5000. I have never liked asking for financial help, but I am a single person with a mortgage and can't accept that I only get two years with my best friend. So, I would like to ask if anyone can spare a few dollars to help save my best friend I will be eternally grateful to you. Any funds would go towards her vet bills. It means I'd get to continue coming home each day from work to Dallas's smiling face. I'd get to continue receiving her undying love and cuddles each and every day. But mostly, it means I won't be left with a huge, gaping hole where my heart would usually be.


  • Sue Rolland
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Natalie Parry
MacDonald Park, SA

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