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Wheels for Haiti

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Hi, my name is Blake and my wife, Katie, and I have just started serving as full time missionaries with Haiti Bible Mission(HBM) in Jeremie, Haiti.  Jeremie, Haiti is a very remote location and a majority of the roads are not paved, and due heavy rains they are in extremely poor condition.  Because of this, motorcycles are the preffered method of transportation. 

Being new missionaries, we are currently working on raising our monthly support, but on top of that we need to make some larger purchases as well. One of these is a moto so we can get around.  Currently we are relying on local taxis to provide transportation, but to improve our ministry and make it more effective, we need our own moto. This is where you can help.  We are asking you to make a donation to help us purchase a moto.

This moto would allow use to easily reach remote villages outside of Haiti and expand our ministry.  While in Haiti, we will be helping to facilitate short-term missions groups throughout the year. Katie will also be working with HBM's student sponsorship program. I am going to be overseeing facility maintance as well as working with church planting.

We thank you for visiting our page and donating.  If you cannot donate but still want to help, we ask you to share on  Facebook and/or Twitter.  If you want to learn more about Haiti Bible Mission or are interested in becoming one of our supporters visit


  • Anónimo
    • $745 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Blake Stone
Littlestown, PA

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