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My Story - A Window Into Depression

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Depression is an insidious mental illness that methodically breaks down its unfortunate victim into a shell of their former self.   My book provides the reader with an open window into my personal struggle with anxiety and depression over the past 25 years.  Intertwining my heartfelt words with a wide genre of music lyrics and movie scenes, my writing transcends beyond the typical "textbook" or medical explanation of depression.  

At times uncomfortable and raw, yet cloaked with dark humor,  my book will let the reader know exactly WIRFL (What It Really Feels Like) to be depressed. My intent is to have this book reach the hands of as many young adults (and adults) as possible in order to breed hope, create dialogue and help eradicate the stigma associated with mental illness and suicide in this country.

As a single father of 3 daughters, the funding will be utilized to help me finish and ultimately publish my book (Currently on Chapter 4 of approximately 8).  After my book is published, a percentage of the proceeds from each book will be donated to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.  

$25 donation - Free digital download upon completion.  

$50 donation - Free digital download and recognition of your generosity on my Instagram and Facebook page 

$100 donation - Free digital download, recognition of your generosity on Instagram and Facebook.  Your name or organization/company printed in the introduction of the book as a  gofundme donor 

$250 donation - Free digital download, recognition of your generosity on Instagram and Facebook.  Your name or organization/company printed in the introduction of the book as a gofundme donor AND a personal signed copy. 

$500+ donation - All of the above including a free one hour seminar based on the content of the book with an open format Q&A from the attendees at a location of your choice.  This includes schools, universities, professional organizations/companies, youth groups, churches, synagogues and private in home settings. 

Breed Hope ; 

Dave Wilkenfeld 


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    • $20
    • 6 yrs


David Wilkenfeld
Houston, TX

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