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Wesley Flynn NICU

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Wesley Flynn Johnson  was born at 1:22 on September 4th 2018  8lb4oz, 22 inches long and not responsive at all. They rushed to revive him and took him straight to NICU. He was supposed to be a simple scheduled cesarean....but  he was not easily removed. After lots of physical force they had to cut through the placenta and use a vacuum to remove him. He had lost far too much blood and was oxygen deprived and in shock. He was immeadiately re-revived in NICU and placed in a cooling blanket for 72 hours. We were able to touch little bits of him after a day. He also was being breathed for, received IV nutrition and jad blood and plasma transfusions along with constant internal and external monitoring and brain monitoring. Once his time in the cold blanket ended he was "thawed" over 10 hours.  He seemed to turn the corner and was taken off CPAP and even breastfed a bit and took some of the milk his mom had been pumping every 2 hours for him since he was born. He even seemed to be able to come off his iv's and brain monitors and internal monitors. We finally held him after 4 days. His little body all bruised and swollen and covered in rash and redness from bandages and the cold and just the general trauma of birth and lifesaving efforts Then, as NICU babies do, he took a nose dive back down. His labs came back bad, his EEG's were not good, his oxygen levels dropped and he went back on breathing assistance. His heart rate would bottom out when eating and he got put on a NG tube again. He got more EEG and MRI and we are waiting on those results. He faces more labs in the near future to try to determine what is causing all of this to happen. He will see specialists after his eventual release from NICU and even then we may not know the extent of damage until he gets older. It's a horribly scary game of wait and see   All while this is going on Mom is recovering from multiple people physically attempting to shove/force him from her abdomen along with severe swelling and issues from bloodloss along with taking care of4.5 year old big sister  and staying with her family to be close to the hospital while still paying for their rent and home expenses while away. Dad had to go back to work out of state(which us usually for weeks at a time all over the US)  as he is the only source of income for now and unfortunately bills and life dont stop for anything or anybody.  This being super hard on him having to be hours and hundreds of miles away. Hospital bills,travel expenses, life bills, buying things he will now require due to being such a fragile little one and to prepare our home for him, etc are upon us and lurking ahead. Asking for help is not something we are fond of doing but at times like this we realize we cannot do it on our own.  Prayers and positivity are what makes everything possible.


  • Silvia Pohrib
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Jenni Johnson
McDonough, GA

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