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Help For Stewie

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Stewie came into our lives 4 and a half years ago when he was a puppy. He was a healthy dog, scheduled to be put to sleep at a high kill shelter for reasons that we will never understand. Since the moment he came into our lives, his world has been filled with love and he has filled ours with the greatest joy that we can imagine. Stewie is so playful, so goofy, and so happy. Even now…at least he tries. These days, though, instead of being first in line for dinner or a walk, Stewie is almost always curled up under a blanket. Instead of greeting every visitor at the door with a toy in his mouth (to show off, of course), Stewie is nowhere to be found. There have been stretches of time where he is his normal self, but in order to keep him that way, we need help.

 In May of 2014, he was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Lymphoma. He has been going through chemotherapy and has been in and out of remission ever since. At first, he was at the vet daily. Now it’s weekly. Sometimes he stays two or three nights, sometimes he comes home. Fortunately, he is so loved that there is almost always someone visiting him during those overnight stays to keep him from being lonely and afraid. Not giving Stewie treatment is not an option. Stewie has and will continue to have a wonderful quality of life when he is not sick.

 At this point, after being given so much help from people who love us, after maxing out all of our credit cards, after begging and crying at so many different vets offices, we are stuck. So this is us, Leslie and Robyn, asking for help for ourselves and for Stewie. All donations will go directly to his care. Thank you.



  • Keisha Oliver
    • $20
    • 10 yrs


Leslie Shewach
Ferndale, MI

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