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Clean Water for Haiti Village

Donazione protetta
Unimaginable Poverty:
Recently I traveled to Haiti, a nation that is in the bottom 10% of the world's developing economies, whose average annual per capita income is approximately $760 US dollars.  For 25% of Haiti's population, the per capita income is less than half of this amount. Average life expectancy is 63.5 years.  According to the World Bank, hurricane Matthew in 2016 caused significant damage to hospitals, schools, agriculture, fishing and livestock, which impacts the livelihoods of affected communities, long-term.  Before seeing Haiti firsthand, I could not have imagined more difficult living conditions.  In the capital city of Port-au-Prince, the main road was lined with piles of trash, used tires, abandoned vehicles and makeshift shelters.  Most of the side streets were rocky unpaved roads that resembled beat up dirt bike trails, rather than city streets.  Water that accumulated along the gutters reeked with raw sewage.  So many things were broken or in disrepair.  The country is void of commercial industry that could provide meaningful jobs and economic development.  Despite dire living conditions, Haitians have not given up.  They work hard to survive and are people of dignity and grace.  In comparison to the United States, the poverty in Haiti is overwhelming.  

Beacon of hope:
I had the opportunity to visit several remote villages in the hills above Jacmel, whose people are being served by World Concern, an international relief and development organization. During a town meeting, village leaders expressed appreciation for World Concern's effort to promote sustainable development, but they still lack clean water.  Besides the significant health risks of not having a source of clean drinking water, villagers must hike long distances each day to access water for their daily needs.  Clean water is a basic need and vital for the health and welfare of any community.   

How you can help: 
According to a World Concern representative, it will cost $30,000 to restore the community's municipal water system.  Though promises have been made by the government to fix the system, nothing has been done for more than two years.  Providing the funds for this clean water project will do much to improve the health and welfare of this community.  Will you please help by considering a gift of $10 or more?  Could you also share this within your friends and family network? The more people that view this request, the greater the chance of achieving our goal. 

100% of your donation will be given to World Concern to fund this water project.  If you are interested in providing a tax deductible gift I can arrange this with World Concern.  Please email me if you are interested in this.  Thank you for taking the time to read this!  May God bless the people of Haiti and you, for any gift that you provide.



  • Joe Eschbach
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Randall Hashimoto
Seattle, WA

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