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Arlo's Top Surgery fund

Donación protegida
Hi! :) My name is Arlo, I'm non-binary and I am beginning the fundraising towards my top surgery. I came out as non-binary in April 2020 and after years of repressing my gender identity I've never been happier in myself since.

My gender identity is something that's torn into my body image, self-esteem, mental health and general wellbeing; making daily life difficult as I never felt truly comfortable with myself.

I experience gender dysphoria in many forms but my chest dysphoria has been the most prominent. I've been binding for about 4 years but I can't go about my day without it. If you know anything about binding, it can be very painful.

I'm incredibly grateful for the time you have taken to read this and I'd appreciate it so much if you could share if you're unable to donate :) it would mean the world to me!


Arlo Sorensen-bates

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