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Make Tori's Home More Accessible

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Our home was built in 1954 when rooms were compartmentilized and unnecessary walls were plentiful.

This has been alright for us until Tori began needing large pieces of adaptive equipment to improve her quality of life.

As of now, we cannot take Tori throughout the house in any of her adaptive equipment and she is confined to the small living room.

There is a simple solution to this issue if we had the funds to do it: remove the wall between the kitchen and living room. Even better, it can be done while we are in California this month!

We received an estimate of about $1,500 to remove the wall and debris, move the duct work into the floor, build a support column that would also contain the electrical components, and repair/replace the flooring that would now be exposed.

This simple home improvement project would make it so much easier to care for Tori and would provide new opportunities and views for her, as well.

We've never asked for donations, so we hope this shows how important this is and how greatly it would improve our life at home with Tori.



  • Natalie Wynn
    • $60
    • 9 yrs


Lesa Brackbill
Harrisburg, PA

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