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Donations for Dunia

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Hello!  Our names are Kaeden and Greyson and we are hoping to raise money for our friend, Dunia.  We will both be celebrating our birthdays in the upcoming weeks and instead of receiving birthday presents this year, we would love for our family and friends to make a donation to help Dunia!

A few months ago, we met Dunia shortly after he joined our mom’s second grade class.  Dunia is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and he is in America for a year to receive medical treatment at Stony Brook University Hospital. 

Two years ago, Dunia suffered and survived a chimpanzee attack near his village.  His face was severely disfigured and he lost both his top and bottom lips during the attack.  He also had severe scarring to the right side of his face.  With his injuries, Dunia was unable to close his mouth and it was extremely difficult for him to speak, eat, and drink.  Tragically, Dunia’s younger brother was killed in the attack.

Dunia has already had his first major surgery and he will have a few more surgeries and procedures in the upcoming months.  He is the bravest boy we know and we feel so lucky to be his friends.  He is caring, funny, and very smart!  He speaks Swahili, French, and he is quickly learning English.  He loves going to school and playing with all of his new friends.  Even though Dunia comes from a very different part of the world, he is like any other 8 year old kid!  He loves to ride bikes, play sports and video games, and put together Legos.

We are hoping to raise money to help Dunia when he goes back home in a few months.  The money we raise will hopefully help Dunia attend a better school when he returns home.  In lieu of birthday gifts this year, we would love if you could help us help Dunia!

If you would like to learn more about Dunia and his amazing journey, please go to www.smilerescuefund.org.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for helping our friend!

Kaeden & Greyson


  • Gregory Rizzi
    • $100
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kaeden & Greyson West
Terryville, NY
Leon Klempner

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