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Give Wyatt a Hand!!

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On May 23, 2015, our son, Wyatt, was severely injured in an ATV accident.  He is currently in ICU at St. Louis University Hospital with severe skull/brain trauma.  We are trying to raise money to keep Wyatt's personal bills current.  Also, to have funds available for his future medical needs, medical bills and anything he may need when he is eventually released from the hospital.  The doctors have told us to expect some capability deficit.  Granted, we will not know for certain what those are until he is conscious, obeying commands and has had plenty of time to heal. 

A little about his injuries...
The left side of his skull was crushed.  He has a 4 inch laceration on his forehead.   Pieces of his skull, as well as dirt, mud, grass and seeds, were surgically removed from his brain the morning of May 24.   Approximately 75 percent of his skull on his left side was removed.  In 3-6 months, depending on infection and swelling, they will replace the skull with an artificial plate.   Until that surgery, he will be fitted with a helmet.   At this time, he has very little, if any, voluntary movement. 
We are trying to be prepared to help fulfill all of Wyatt's needs until he is able to return back to work.  At this time, we are not sure when that will be. 

A little about Wyatt...
 Wyatt is 20 years old, is employed full time, loves tinkering with anything on cars, trucks or even tractors, he's not afraid to get dirty and is the such a hard worker.  Wyatt is a friend to many and stranger to few.  He is an awesome big brother to 2 brothers and one sister.

If nothing else, please just pray for our Wyatt!!

Much love and God bless!



  • Deborah Hull
    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Lori Weltig
Waterloo, IL

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