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Veteran Craig Wilhelm's funeral

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Three years ago, I transferred to the Middle River, Maryland Walgreens.  When I got there the store manager told me "whatever you do, take good care of Mr. Wilhelm."

Not long after I met Mr. Wilhelm.  He was in a wheelchair and blind.  I would help him with his grocery shopping, and then load him in a cab that took him home.  He quickly became my favorite customer and I always looked forward to his visits. Craig served 8 years in the Airforce. And then enlisted in the Navy.  He spent 12 years as a submariner.  

In November, I got a call from my store, saying that Mr. Wilhelm needed some items with pop top lids, as he was no longer able to use the can opener.  I quickly googled can openers for the blind, and picked up his groceries and went to visit.  I taught him how to use the new can opener.  And he asked me for a favor.  Craig, who is diabetic, blind and on dailysis, lives by himself. The favor he asked me was to make sure he gets buried at Arlington National Cemetery.   I immediately gave him my word that I would.

We have become friends the past few months, as I took him to funeral homes to make his final arrangements.Took him to get hair cuts and shaves, to dialysis.   Daily visit to check in, bring by lunch or dinner and get him groceries.

Tuesday May 19, he had had enough pain, and decided to quit dailysis.  I quickly arranged hospice to come to his home, as he wishes to stay in his home for his last time here on earth. 

I am looking to raise money for his final arrangements, the VA will cover burial expenses but does not cover casket, the work the funeral home does preparing his body, storage or transportation of his remains to Arlington .  This veteran has definetly been swept aside and forgotten.  Left to fend for himself blind and in a wheelchair. He has nothing.  

He passed June 10, 2015 at 9:02 am. Peacefully in his sleep.  I just want to be able to keep my word to him and get him to Arlington.  He deserves that.


  • Amy Garner-Lindecamp
    • $20
    • 9 yrs


Jamie Kennedy Dickey
Bel Air, MD

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