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Ajudar o Simão contra o cancro - F. Champalimaud

Doação protegida
Vou-vos falar do meu irmão, Simão Bolivar Carvalho Ferreira

O Bolivar, como é chamado por casa, tem 36 anos, nascido a 23 de Junho de 1984, na Guine Bissau. Este menino franzino de olhos escuros e esbugalhados, nasceu quando eu tinha 2 anos, e já na barriga da nossa mãe, Tereza Carvalho, era um poço de energia, que viria alegrar os meus dias e o de toda a família e amigos.

O Bolivar intrigava-me. Mas de onde vinha tamanha energia e boa disposição sem fim??!! Não havia dias tristes ou silenciosos ao seu lado, não havia tempos mortos ou apatia... havia ele! E desde que ele houvesse tudo era bom, houvesse chuva ou sol, estivesse noite ou dia,  fosse praia ou montanha, havendo ele tudo havia. 

Dentro desta normalidade anormal que é o dia presente, de repente, como se não bastasse, numa pandemia mundial, surgem as dores, os desconfortos, as incertezas do que tem o Bolivar, que já se vinha a queixar tem 3 semanas. Depois de duas idas ao hospital do concelho onde vive, é enviado para casa com diagnósticos errados, mas o Simão não apresenta melhoras, antes pelo contrario, sendo as dores tao fortes que nada restava de força para se aguentar de pé.

Em desespero, recorremos ao privado, e vendo a velocidade a que os médicos, se comunicavam, entre ecografia e resultados da mesma, a urgência na voz do medico, o TAC solicitado pelo mesmo de urgência, não faziam do diagnostico anterior algo que acreditássemos, havia algo!! Mas o que havia não estava nos nossos planos, o que havia ninguém tem preparação para ouvir... 

O meu irmão, o Simão, o Bolivar era diagnosticado com cancro no Pâncreas a dia 16 de Março 2021.
É efetivamente o dia mais triste da vida do Simão, e consequentemente de toda a família.  E agora?

Ao longo destes 36 anos, ele foi a nossa reserva de energia... está a ser... e será!! e é esta força que nos tem transmitido desde sempre que nos junta para combater este flagelo mundial e que a ele agora toca!

Os próximos passos são a quimioterapia, adiada entretanto por complicações clinicas, infeção, que combate neste preciso momento.

Por não ter um seguro de saúde, o Simão tem os medicamentos e tratamentos por conta própria, e em pouco espaço de tempo decorrido, já tem acumuladas algumas despesas e muitas mais se adivinham neste combate que urge.

A sinergia está criada desde há 36 anos, todos somos o Simão e o Simão é todos nós.



I'm going to tell you about my brother, Simão Bolivar Carvalho Ferreira Bolivar, as he is called by home, is 36 years old, born on June 23, 1984, in Guinea Bissau. This slight little boy with dark, bulging eyes, was born when I was 2 years old, and already in the belly of our mother, Tereza Carvalho, he was a well of energy, which would come to brighten my days and that of all the family and friends. Bolivar intrigued me. But where did so much energy and good mood come from??!!There was no sad or silent days by his side, there was no dull moments... There was only him! And as long as there was him, everything was good, rain or shine, day or night, wherever he was, there was everything.

In the midst of the strange normality of the present days, all of the sudden (and as if a global pandemic wasn't bad enough), it came the pain, the discomfort, the uncertainty of what was wrong with Bolivar, who had been complaining for more than three weeks.

After going to his local public hospital twice, he was sent home with the wrong diagnosis and Simão didn't show any improvement in his condition, he actually felt worse, with excrutiating pain that made it difficult for him to even stand up.

In an act of desperation, we went to a private hospital and by looking at the way the doctors examined the scan and it's result, the urgency in the doctor's voice, the fact that he immediately ordered an emergency CT Scan, it became clear that nobody believed the previous diagnosis... There was something very wrong with him! However, it wasn't something in our plans or that we expected, it was something that nobody is ever prepared to hear.

My brother, Simão Bolivar, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on the 16th of March 2021. It was, without any doubt, the saddest day in Simão's life, as well as for all of us. What now?

Throughout these 36 years, he has been our energy and strength... He still is... And always will be!! It is precisely this strength that he has been sharing with us whenever we get together to fight this worldwide scourge, which he is fighting against right this very moment.

The next step is chemotherapy, postponed for now due to clinical complications, an infection he is battling against at the moment.
Because Simão doesn't have a health insurance, he has to pay for his own medicine and treatments and although this fight is very recent, he has already accumulated many expenses and a lot more will be coming his way in the urgent battle he is fighting.

The synergy has been created 36 years ago. We are all Simão and Simão is all of us.



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