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Dodger's Medical Fund

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Hello everybody,
My husband Jim and I are usually uncomfortable asking for financial help. But, in a crisis time like this, we are left with no other option. As everybody knows who has been following updates on Dodger, he has been in and out of the vet and emergency vet clinics for the last week or so. In that time, he has been treated for dehydration twice, has had exploratory surgery in his abdomen, and has not been able to hold down any food in the last 8 days. He is currently at a MedVet Clinic where he has been the last 3 days with 24 hour care. He is now being seen by an Internal Medicine doctor. The vet staff still doesn't know exactly what is wrong but are narrowing it down and believe it to be Addisions Disease . As you might imagine, this has been heartbreaking to watch our usually highly active and vibrant pup deteriorate into a lethargic bag of bones. We have never felt so helpless. So now the hard part, our vet bills at this point are approaching $7,000.00. We're really not sure how were gonna tackle this enormous amount of debt. We have tried to think of everything, we really don't have anything to sell and are maxed out credit wise. Anything anyone can do is greatly appreicated. And of course, we will keep everyone updated as to his condition. Thanks.


  • Kim Lange
    • $10
    • 7 yrs


Wendy Nutting
Columbia Center, OH

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