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Cancer Treatment for Thomas Shipps

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In May of 2019 my dad, Thomas Shipps, was diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer with lung and liver metastasis.  It was an absolute shock and during the course of investigating treatment options a previous survivor told my dad about the Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Center 
As a former cancer survivor from a previous diagnosis my dad is such a fighter and the strongest man I know.  

Dad has great insurance but doctors have said that chemotherapy and radiation regimens will not save him.

 We are testing the Lord for options. If this treatment is funded we will see it as a sign from Him that this treatment is the direction we should go. We have heard fom a pastor regarding both his wife, and a good friend who both underwent this therapy on late stage cancer and conquered it completely.

Dad asks that you not give if you do not feel compelled by the Lord to do so.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kristen Braun
Venice, FL
Thomas Shipps

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