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Help Transport My Dad!

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On the early morning hours  of December 2nd, my father had a massive stroke while he was alone at his apartment. He was supposed to show up at work the next day, and thankfully his coworkers knew something was up and went to check on him at his apartment. He was completely out of it and rushed to the hospital. It is guesstimated that he was alone for hours before he was found, so he was not able to be given a special medication for stroke. Since then, he has been in the hospital in ICU and was later moved to a rehab facility. In this time, his family has been trying their hardest to help him. The ultimate challenge at this time is that my father is in New Mexico without any family to advocate for him, care for him, and to encourage him throughout his rehab process.  I won't go into detail, but it is essential for his mental/emotional/physical health that he be near family. It is very taxing financially and stressful to keep having us fly out there to help him. We all have jobs and obligations where we all live (Utah, Texas, and Georgia). The plan is to transport him as soon as  he gets the go ahead from his care team. The prognosis is unclear at this time. He is cognizant but is not speaking much, isn't able to move much (his left side might not ever work again), and is certainly not able to care for himself at this time.  He has some serious heart issues on top of all of this, as well. All we know is it is a long journey. It would bring peace to all our hearts (as well as his), if he could be moved close to family. We cannot do this alone and it will cost a lot of money to fly family to New Mexico and then transport him to his destination. Luckily, we do have someone in our family who is a nurse that is able to help transport him. From our family to you---Thank you so much for donating and for your prayers. We truly appreciate your love and light in one of the darkest times in our family.


  • Dwight and Memory Glasco
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Ashlie Nanes McDonald
Salt Lake City, UT

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