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Tomorrow's Hope Scholarship Program

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We are a small nonprofit organization working in Vietnam for 10 years now.  We are raising funds for our scholarship program called "Tomorrow's Hope".  In Vietnam, schooling is not free.  Many Vietnam families are left with the choice of going to school or having the children work to help support the family.

This program sends poor Vietnamese children to school and gives them an opportunity they never get, a chance to change their future. This is our sixth year of this life-changing program!  We have decided to focus on two areas, both in support of minority groups.  We will be supporting the Koho Tribe and the Hre tribe this year.  The Koho are located in Di Linh (Central Highlands of Vietnam) and the Hre are located in Quang Ngai (Central Vietnam).  We now know that we have a total of  289 cases (130 cases for the Koho tribe and 159 for the Hre Tribe).  If we are to get the funding for this, this will be our biggest year, with us sending more kids to school than ever!

So far we have received support for 159 cases.  Praise the Lord!  We are a little over half way.  Remember, for the cost of a coffee a day for a month could change the life of a child forever.  We need support for 130 kids!

These children are often sent out to work to try and help the families instead of going to school. We believe education helps to eliminate the cycle of poverty. When these children become the first to go to school, they obtain higher paying jobs, and help their poor families. Our cost target is $75 per child. This cost includes school tuition, uniforms, school supplies, and a backpack. If this program is tugging at your heart, and you want to sponsor a child for a mere $75, please let us know. We are going to run this program for 1 month. Will you help?


  • Hank & Kealey Bullinger
    • $750
    • 6 yrs


Brent- Stacy Wuensche Tarr
Bowie, TX
Tiny Hearts of Hope

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