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I am Lewis and I am rasing funds for brother George. He has gained admission at the Northeastern University College of Social Sciences and Humanities in the USA. He has 40% scholarship and he has to take care of the remaining 60%. I am soliciting for help for him to enable him further his education because he has a lot of potentials. George is a young man full of potential and a deep passion for international affairs. He has been accepted to Northeastern University, but his family is unable to afford the tuition fees. Despite this obstacle, George is determined to pursue his dreams and make a positive impact on the world by helping better the lives of the less privileged and the marginalized especially on the African continent. He believes that studying international affairs is the first step towards achieving this goal. Your contribution to his dream will not only help George receive an education but help make a difference in the world. Please consider donating and helping George achieve his dreams. Thank you. Any little help with this would be highly appreciated.


Lewis Suahyiri Sutah

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