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Thunderbird Little League All Stars Regional

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Our Intermediate All Star Team became State Champions yesterday!  They will leave in less than 2 weeks for Nogales, AZ to begin the Regional Tournament that runs from about July 17-July 25.  While we love the challenge today of getting 12 players and 3 coaches to regionals, it comes with a price tag and a commitment of time by all families involved.  Little League International is expected to give us a credit which will come to less than ½ of what hotels will cost….meaning that over ½ of the lodging, all of the airfare and additional meals will fall on the shoulders of the individual players and their family.

We are reaching out to you all to see if anyone would like to contribute to a Go Fund Me or donate miles in order to help these boys out with the projected cost being somewhere near $1,000 per family.


  • John Slater
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Lucynda Campbell
Bellevue, WA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt