Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Theresa Canto (Nagle)

Spende geschützt
My sister, Theresa Canto (Nagle), has been fighting a very aggressive inflammatory and triple negative breast cancer for the past 14 months. After having chemo, a double mastectomy and radiation we thought she had won this part of her battle. Her goal was to start making as many memories with her family as possible. Unfortunately this had to be put on hold as she has become ill again. A few  weeks ago Theresa had started to have symptoms and has been hospitalized since. Her breast cancer has spread to her brain and spine. She is fighting as hard as she can, but she has taken a turn for the worst.

    Her family has been  by her side, especially her husband Lou, who has been at the hospital around the clock. On behalf of my brother-in-law Lou and my niece Lacie, I am hoping for support to assist with all the costs associated with her illness.  Any donations that would contribute to the financial hardship would be greatly appreciated.

   My family would like to thank you for the outpouring of love and support. We are humbled by the generosity and love. We so appreciate your prayers during this very difficult time.
 ~ Lori Clolinger


  • Eileen Laibson
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Lori Clolinger
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Louis Canto

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