Photo principale de la cagnotte

Line needs new teeth!

Don protégé
I have fibromyalgia, colitis, crohns (yes both!), suspected bicuspic aortic valve disease, arthritis, an ileostomy and a host of other small illnesses. The prednisone, imuran and other medications I have taken over the years has damaged my bones and teeth. The crisis is not for cosmetic reasons, but for my health. Without being able to eat solid food, its hard to maintain a good diet. I also have to be able to chew my food well enough to get through the tiny ileostomy open or risk a blockage and back to the hospital. I also still have 8 cm of diseased colon left inside that we are searching for a qualified surgeon to remove. In the meantime this infections causes me to be sick all of the time, and we also think is the cause of my nerve damage. I can not lay down, stand, walk or sit hardly at all.

This fund raiser is to help me raise money to repair my teeth one way or another. Full repair or pulling them all and getting dentures if we have to. The work will depend on the money raised. Repair is better because of my bone problems and the pain of FMS but if all we can do is dentures, its better than nothing. All info will be updated here as well as my facebook fanpage and my blog

- MY BLOG: Video updates, Dental estimates are here also
FACEBOOK EVENT: (more updates, easier to chat and invite friends)
- FOLLOW ME ON FB: You do NOT need to friend me to follow me. If you just want to see what type of person I am, good and bad, you can just follow me

- DONOR PAGE (to give funds):
- PAYPAL: [adresse e-mail supprimée]

SNAIL MAIL: To Dee Dobyne #3709
C/O Midwest Dental Associates
1677 Montgomery Rd.Aurora, IL 6050
Dentist page:

One of our sponsors will donate a tube of her all natural toothpaste to any donations $5 more. Please contact her [adresse e-mail supprimée]

IS THIS A SCAM? I have been online at least 17 years now. You can read my past blogs, stories I have been in and even about an internet rescue I was a part of that aired all around the world. Links and pictures are on my web page and blog. I have included a clip from 1 of many newspapers I was featured in all over the world. You need only google my name. Again, links are on the fan page and will be on the blog

Please consider donating a part of your profits if you own your own business. Or putting this widget or paypal button on your site or blog.

Thank you

 Garantie des dons GoFundMe

Cette cagnotte indique la possibilité de faire des dons via une autre plateforme, mais attention seuls les dons effectués sur GoFundMe sont protégés par la garantie de don GoFundMe.

Faire un don


  • Anonyme
    • $10
    • 9 yrs
  • Paula Youngs
    • $30 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
Faire un don


Line Black
Aurora, IL

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