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#TheGatheredFight for Black Mental Health Access

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I would like to raise money for at least 100 Black women to have access to free mental health services (4-6 sessions) during this critical time of intense racial trauma. I would like to support an additional 100 women with the cost subsidized therapy.  I am looking to gather at least 100 black therapist that could take on 2 clients!


My name is Bree Jenkins. I am a black woman & Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. I want to be more impactful during this period of continued attack on black lives. To that aim, I truly believe supporting mental health access is critical to the survival and success of black lives. I have an initiative that would help black women gain much needed access to mental health care.

I am proposing that white allies and other allies DONATE MONEY to pay for Therapy for Black Women. I have created a Go Fund Me that supports black women in gaining access to much needed mental health care, while also supporting black therapist in their work. (I'd love to expand to men, but would like to first focus on the black women on our waitlist.)

As many of you know, therapy is expensive as hell (The reasons are compounded problems by our for-profit healthcare system, insurance bureaucracy & unsustainably low payouts, and student loan debt/business costs). In the therapy world, black therapist are taxed. We have majority black clients, who often have more trauma and less resources to pay for our services. We often take on a higher case load of lower cost or free labor (pro-bono clients), even though we ourselves are more likely to have higher student loan burdens and greater financial need for full paying clients. We underearn our white therapist counterparts, (as in most other industries). Black clients often can't afford services, black therapist often can't afford discounts. The cycle continues.

#THEGATHEREDFIGHT initiative would alleviate burden of cost and burden of discount to both black women and black therapists. I have made 2 forms, one for therapists who'd like to take on black clients (At this time, we are only seeking black therapist. As it evolves, we may add WOC therapists and white ally therapist- only those who have extensive anti-racist work under their belt.) The second form is for black women ON THE WAITLIST (I will add more people, as funds become available).  Your donation goes to sponsoring a black women in need of mental health services with 4-6 sessions during this extremely mentally exhausting time. On average 1 client having 4 sessions would cost $500 based on standard therapy rates. This would fund 100 women with free therapy and use more money for 100 more women to receive subsidized cost therapy.

I  will manage and   facilitate which therapists get funds for x amount of sessions and connect them with client's in need for treatment through Sept 30, 2020. If you'd like to donate to sponsor someone please send whatever you can, it all adds up!

To support #THEGATHEREDFIGHT for Black Mental Health Access:


1. Donate to the Go Fund Me . Link In Bio.
2. Tag a Black Therapist who can get involved.
3. Share this post. Use #THEGATHEREDFIGHT & #WW4BWTX

Thank you for your support,

Bree Jenkins, LMFT
 #blacklivesmatter #blackmindsmatter


  • leslie scroggin
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $8
    • 2 yrs
  • Roisin Flanagan
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Timmy Sunipat
    • $8
    • 3 yrs
  • Katie Bates
    • $20
    • 3 yrs


Brittany J
Los Angeles, CA

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