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Team Chealsey Fight Like A Girl

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Our hearts are hurting our sweet Cheasley has relapsed!! Chealsey was originally diagnosed with Neuroblastoma in January 2014. She went through chemotherapy, proton radiation, MIBG radiation, stem cell transplant, and a clinical maintenance trial. She has been in remission the last 2 years, but now the beast is back. Now poor Chealsey is facing more treatment, more time away from her sister with whom she is very close, and once again the loss of her normal life. Chealsey's mother Stephanie is a single mom working hard to take care of her two girls. The job she has now does not have sick leave and Chealsey is facing treatment that is going to involve traveling to a different hospital. They need all the help they can get. Please help Chealsey and her family!! Any amount you can spare will help.
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  • Desiree Villegas
    • $20
    • 7 yrs
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Heidi Ambrosius
San Bernardino, CA

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