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Surgery for Kaya

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This is Kaya,

She's 9 and she's an adventure dog... She likes biking, hiking, trail running, swimming, skiing, snowshoeing, chasing squirrels, eating huckleberries off the bush, napping, snuggling with her brothers Jack and Broo, and hanging out with all her doggie friends. Her mom, Jayme, loves her sooooooo much, they do everything together! Jayme is a wonderful, loving dog mom who would do anything for her three fur babies. They are her life!

Sadly, Kaya is in need of a very expensive surgery...
Back in March she wasn't her usual happy self. She stopped eating, and was very lethargic. A blood test revealed that something unusual was happening in her body. Jayme and her partner, Ron, rushed Kaya to the Canada West Vet Specialists in Vancouver for an abdominal ultrasound. The test revealed an abnormal mass or inflammation in her liver. The vet also thought she had untreatable Lymphoma (a type of cancer). As they were headed back to Revelstoke with this devastating news, Kaya's vet called with a different diagnosis: Multiple Myeloma - a treatable cancer. They went back and had more diagnostic bloodwork done to look at her proteins. The vet said those results wouldn't be back for ten days, but they were confident Kaya could start on oral chemotherapy and prednisone before the bloodwork came back.

After getting back home Kaya started to feel so much better...without any treatment. Her chemo and prednisone were started about a week after seeing the specialist. She was on treatment for 4 days when her vet called with the test results. They were better than expected, so Jayme was told to take Kaya off the therapies and have her blood tests done every 3 weeks to check if things were improving. They were! For awhile she appeared to be her old self: she was eating, putting weight back on, and spent time out biking and having fun again! Her last blood test 2 weeks ago looked great.

Unfortunately, Kaya started to become unwell again: fever, dehydration, lethargy, no appetite, and even a nose bleed. She was put her on IV fluids at the vet clinic in Revelstoke on June 8 and then was rushed back to Vancouver that night. Kaya has been in the ICU since. She has had another ultrasound and it shows the mass on her liver is larger; but there is no way to tell what it is without surgery. It's possible she has a serious liver infection (infected abscess), benign tumor, or cancer.  Kaya has been a very complicated case for her doctors but, the specialists are confident that she is an excellent candidate for having the surgery . Although, her bloodwork and aspirate results are a mystery- not showing cancer cells.

This surgery will cost $10-12,000 on top of the thousands Jayme has already spent on this mystery illness. So she needs our help! If you have it in your heart to help Jayme and Kaya, any amount will be greatly appreciated.


(For anyone that knows Jayme really well, she LOVES mountain biking...and is now considering selling her bike...let's try to help her out so that doesn't have to happen!)


  • Christine DEPAULI
    • $25
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Freya Rasmussen
Revelstoke, BC
Amyjay Richardson

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