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Support for Wellman Family after Tornado Hit Home

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Late morning February 6, 2020, a tornado went through my sister's neighborhood hitting her house and others. Sherri runs a day care out of her home and thankfully was miraculously able to get all of the children within 3 mins from the time the warning came until the time the tornado hit into the center of house to a safe spot so no one was hurt (her dogs made it through safely as well!), but her house is severely damaged. The main picture shows the damage to the room where the daycare kids were napping MINUTES before the tornado hit. We are so thankful no one got hurt. 

Both her and my brother-in-law, Scot, are small business owners. My sister with her daycare, and Scot with his landscaping business. The area of the house used for the daycare is destroyed (as shown in the last picture below) and Scot's equipment and tools, along with the shed where they are all stored, are damaged as well (as shown in the other picture). Since this just happened, they are still taking stock of what needs to be done and figuring out which way is up.

Being located many states away, I am feeling helpless to help my sister and her family. I saw others in their lives offering to help as well and thought creating this might be a good place to start so we can rally around them in this time of need.  Some of the damage will be covered by insurance, but as you may know, that process is rarely quick and how much will be covered is a big unknown.  Both of their livelihoods are in flux right now as they figure this out, so having the some extra resources would be greatly appreciated.

This picture is inside the daycare room where the kids had been napping minutes before! 

This picture is of Scot's shed and equipment.

**It shows me, Kelli Harsch, as the organizer below and says I am located in Charlotte. I am in Oak Park, IL, but used the Charlotte zip code since that is where my sister and her family are. **


  • Ava-Marie Callahan
    • $20
    • 4 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Kelli Harsch
Charlotte, NC
Sherri Wellman

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