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Support for Dani, Marcel & Oli

Donación protegida
As many of you know, Dani and Oli suffered an assault on a bus downtown at the end of May (news article from the Straight ). The attacker was charged and recently plead guilty, but the traumatizing incident has left Dani with a lot of difficult emotional side effects to work through. In addition, it’s been a difficult time for Dani and her family as her dad was recently diagnosed with a serious illness, so they've had to unexpectedly travel back to Alberta to visit him before surgery.

Dani is eligible for subsidized counseling through the Burnaby Counseling Group, and would like to book some appointments, but there are still costs to be covered for the sessions. With childcare costs and medical costs for Marcel on top of everyday expenses, it’s a tough time financially, although they would never ask for help. I’m starting this fund for any family and friends who’d like to make a contribution to offset these costs. I know they will deeply appreciate any and all support.

PS: In lieu of (or in addition to) contributions to this fund, if you live anywhere near these fine folks and offer to babysit one evening so they can pop out for a couple of hours, they'd probably gratefully take you up on it. Cheers!


  • Jason Chee
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Julie Frizzo-Barker
Surrey, BC
Danielle Ginet

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