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Support for Bryan Mockros

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Bryan was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer back in August of 2014. Bryan, being the fighter and loving father that he is, was determined from the get-go to fight this battle and try to get better for himself, and his wife & 2 daughters. Unfortunately, after many years of fighting, our family has found ourselves in a place where we need further support, hope and prayers.
Bryan started treatment quickly after he was diagnosed, trying multiple different avenues. Chemotherapy, trial drugs, and different medications, but sadly, his body didn’t seem to react to any of them the way the doctors hoped for. Because of this, our family began searching for any possible treatment that we could try in hopes of saving his life and beating this battle.
Our journey took a turn in June of 2018, when we found out about a new, promising trial drug, Lutetium-177, that was to be making its way to the United States for Prostate Cancer treatment.

In August of this year, Bryan began his treatments down in Houston, Texas. He’s already received the first treatment and his results have given our family the hope and confidence we need to continue using this drug. After treatment 1, his PSA has already dropped down 25 points in the past 7 weeks, which leads our doctors to believe it is working. Because of these results, we are continuing this treatment and have about 3 more rounds to go, with possibly more in the future. Each round of this drug costs approximately $10,500, not including separate scans, travel bills (flight/hotel) and cab fees. Travels to Houston from Minnesota and back also mean missing work days, limiting some of my family’s income to pay for all of these expenses. Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover any of this trial either, leaving our family to have to pay completely out of pocket. Because of this, we have set the goal at around $50,000 to help cover his medical costs and put Bryan and our family at ease during this very hard time.
From the bottom of our hearts, we are asking you to please take some time out of your day to help support our family, whether it is sending a prayer or financial support, every single wishful thought and penny counts and will be endlessly appreciated.
Also -
We would be happy to share with anyone who is interested some more information about the trial that Bryan has been doing. The official drug is called: 177Lu-PSMA-617 and there are a few different trials available in the United States using this drug to combat Prostate Cancer. Please feel free to comment or reach out if you have any questions about this drug, our research or any questions about Bryan’s treatment. We would absolutely love to be able to help anyone out with this information!


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    • $30
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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kim Lawrence
Lino Lakes, MN
Bryan Mockros

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