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Support Chelsea Ellis's Restoration

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What is needed?
Donations are critically needed to defray the immediate, massive cost of quality, round-the-clock medical homecare for Chelsea Ellis. Financial help is still required for the colossal out-of-pocket expenses for 3 of her 5 different hospitalizations in the past 13 months. Prayers and financial help are desperately needed.

Chelsea is a gift to all who know of her. She is now 30 years old, but was 29 when she was struck by a police SUV while walking on the sidewalk in the City of Buffalo, NY on April 15, 2020. She suffered catastrophic injuries and is presently quadriplegic and ventilator dependent, but is working hard to wean off the ventilator through pulmonary rehabilitation. This new exciting opportunity has been made possible by means of a successful intercostal phrenic nerve transfer and diaphragmatic pacer implant surgery.

After 13 difficult months of recovery and rehabilitation, it is only by our Heavenly Father’s unfailing love, divine mercy and deliberate miracles that Chelsea is alive and still with us today. All glory to God for his miraculous life-giving breath and refurbishment of Chelsea! “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.” - Psalm 126:3. God has extraordinary plans for Chelsea, not because of who she is, but because of whose she is. Please read below about her mission work and ministries prior to this calamity.

The Incident: 
Chelsea had just mailed a dear refugee friend a cellphone and was walking home from the Post Office on the sidewalk in the City of Buffalo, NY when a police SUV responding to a prank 911 call crashed into a car, lost control and struck her at a high rate of speed. She was catapulted a lengthy distance and landed with her head on the grass, but her body landed on the sidewalk over a manhole cover. She was given CPR at the scene and two times later. Chelsea suffered multiple severe fractures, including ribs, pelvis, leg, lumbar spine, displacement of C1 and C2 and a C2 neck fracture resulting in spinal cord injury, quadriplegia, and ventilator dependency. Despite a traumatic brain injury, Chelsea’s cognitive functioning is normal and her awesome, spirit-filled personality has returned. She has miraculously survived the earliest trauma, along with lifesaving and life altering surgeries since April 15th. Due to the nature of Chelsea’s injuries, she has had to relearn how to speak and swallow. She is working hard to master eye-gaze technology as well.

Beloved Chelsea: 
Chelsea is a beautiful human being. She loves and is loved by thousands of friends and family, AKA Prayer Warriors. Most importantly, Chelsea loves and trusts God with all her heart. Immediately after her catastrophic incident, Chelsea’s friends started a round-the-clock prayer vigil, which morphed into a Facebook Group entitled “Chelsea’s Army”. Chelsea’s Army of prayer warriors has grown to over 3,000 members strong, praying for her from all 50 United States and over 72 different countries throughout the world. Chelsea regularly held Bible Study in her home and coined her residence, “Fredric’s Tower”, which means peace and power. It was Chelsea’s hope that whoever entered her home would feel at peace and empowered by the love of Christ. Chelsea leads a life of true Discipleship even to this very moment. Chelsea has done missionary work in 13 countries around the world. She has a Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language and taught at Lafayette International School and at Erie Community College. She accepts and embraces everyone. She became a realtor with ambition of helping the immigrant/refugee community in Buffalo to find suitable housing and to teach them to become realtors as well. Her love for Christ and passion for spreading His word is undeniable in all facets of her life. 

Media Coverage:
Numerous news reports about Chelsea's injury and recovery are available for viewing. Below are a couple stories, including Chelsea's first news interview aired most recently.

Chelsea's Army Facebook Group:
If you are a believer and would like to support Chelsea and her family through the POWER of PRAYER, please consider joining "Chelsea's Army" on Facebook. Please search "Chelsea's Army" and request to join by completing a couple of very brief membership questions.

If you have specific questions or advice for our family, please contact us through a GoFundMe message or through Facebook messenger to Brandon Ellis (Chelsea's Brother), or to Linda Jackson (Chelsea's Aunt). 

Options to donate outside of GoFundMe:
Send a donation to Venmo handle: @brandon-ellis-23.

* IMPORTANT:  When you donate using Go Fund Me, the site asks for a tip.
If you do not wish to leave a tip, simply select "Other" in the drop down and enter "0" as a dollar amount.

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  • Emily Curran
    • $20
    • 7 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 9 mos
  • ty fowler
    • $50
    • 11 mos
  • Rebecca Chen
    • $200
    • 11 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $10
    • 1 yr


Brandon Ellis
Buffalo, NY

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