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Suicide Prevention & Bereavement

Don protégé
Shortly after my husband's death, in 2012, I auctioned his much-loved classic Lamborghini and used a substantial portion of the proceeds to fund a program to provide therapy to individuals at risk for suicide as well as to those who have lost a loved one to suicide -- regardless of those individuals' ability to pay.

Since then, I have been diagnosed with cancer and am now in treatment, which has greatly hampered my ability to make this program self-sustaining and a part of my husband's legacy.

Please help me keep this program operating.

All funds received will be placed in a donor-advised fund created for this purpose, and will be used solely to maintain the Frederic Maurice Charles Paroutaud Fund for the Future.  The primary expense involved is paying qualified therapists (less-than market fees) for their services. A secondary expense is providing training for those therapists. 

Thank you.
Faire un don


  • Nisi Baier
    • $35
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don


Susan Futterman
Richmond, CA

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