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Stand with Brenae: Aid Her Road to Recovery

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Hello my name is Donique Mosley. I am creating this go fund me on behalf of my sister Brenae Smith ,21 mother of 2 small children, who was recently a victim of random gun violence. I have set up the transfers to go directly to Brenae. Absolutely nothing will go through me. I am only the organizer of the fundraiser and the person who gives updates. 

  As some of you may already know . Tuesday April 16th around 7pm at a shell gas station in Apple Valley Ca . Brenae was shot multiple times by a man unknown to her. The only reason for her stopping there was to pick her purse up from falling on the floor of the passenger side. By the time she sat back up she was shot in the face. In the midst of it all she tired to get away by climbing in the back seat when she was shot in her back.
     The suspect who was later identified as MICHAEL BULLOCK , 42 was caught just 30 mins later in an apartment complex not far from the scene.
   Brenae is stable and doing well. She had her first surgery on 4/19 and is expected to have her 2nd one in 2 weeks. She is no longer under sedation and on the road to recovery. Due to the heartbreaking event that took place Brenae is and will continue to face hardships not only mentally but financially. Her car is covered in blood and has 4 bullet holes. At this time she’s unsure if she will feel safe at home with only her babies due to the tragedy happening so close to home. Also the time that she’s in the hospital she will not be able to earn money. It saddens me to have to ask the community for help but it’s needed. Anything is appreciated, nothing is too small. Thank you to all that has reached out to her and kept her and our family in your prayers. We thank you all in advance for your support.

She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If you would like to follow her recovery journey this is her instagram yourfav.bre. 

UPDATE 5/7/24

Brenae is home with her babies and trying to get back some sense of normalcy. She has her days when she’s down and stuck in thought! When asked are you ok she simply says yes I’m ok. If you ask a second time she asks why me? Why’d he do this to me?? Being that I am her oldest sister by 14 years it breaks my heart every single time. I try and reassure her that it’s nothing that she did and that she’s covered and highly favored. 

 Brenae’s car was totaled out by insurance because it wasn’t worth the repairs from the bullet holes or the bio hazard cleaning it needed due to having blood all over the interior. So she is without transportation for herself and babies. She also hasn’t been able to do instacart or DoorDash which is how she makes ends meet. Brenae will also need teeth replacements because multiple teeth were shot out on one side. To date her transportation and dental work will be the most expensive expenses. We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued love and support. 


  • Carey Jones
    • $125
    • 16 d
  • Lisa Giasi
    • $50
    • 1 mo
  • juanita canley
    • $20
    • 3 mos
  • Gerardo rosas
    • $15
    • 3 mos
  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 3 mos

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Donique Mosley
Victorville, CA
Brenae Smith

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