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"Miracle Baby" Dylan

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Baby Dylan was critically injured in October by his father. He was taken to the hospital due to him being dropped by his father. We had found out at that time that Dylan had been being abused. He had a traumatic brain injury, and shaken baby syndrome. The doctors didn't think he would survive his injuries, which are extensive. Dylan was expected to die from his injuries and almost did. However, he is a fighter and proved us wrong. Due to the extent of Dylan's injuries, he will have life long medical issues and has a high probability of having Cerebral Palsy along with other disabilities. He was in the hospital for over 5 weeks, most of which were in the PICU. Dylan has permanent brain damage, the brain tissue in his frontal lobe is dead and can not repair. He has permanent damage to his right eye, which could be blind spots. Dylan has a permanent shunt placed in his brain as he can no longer re-absorb the extra cerebral spinal fluid in his brain. Dylan is a miracle boy who would not let this tragedy be the end of his story. He fought so hard to survive and continues to fight everyday. Dylan will have to deal with all the effects from this tragedy for rest of his life. It will be years to come before we truly even know how bad the damage is for him. Rachael his Mom has resigned from her position to be home to take care of Dylan, therefore has no income. Nancy his Grandma has taken a leave of absence to help care for Dylan and his 2 sisters as this is all to much for Rachael to try and handle alone. Dylan's recovery will be a marathon, not a sprint as the doctor's have put it. All donations will go to help with any additional things Dylan may need along the way. Our family is so appreciative for all of the love, support and prayers that we have received from all over the United States. It is truly humbling to see how many people this little guy has touched. God bless to all.


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    • $25
    • 4 yrs


Katrina Mohr
Minneapolis, MN

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