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S.O.S Support Our Samir

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This past Saturday night July 21, at a Phish show in George, Washington at the music venue the Gorge our friend Samir was the victim of a brutal attack. Sometime during the second set a man ran up and smashed Samir in the mouth with a rock and then disappeared into the crowd. Samir was rushed to a local medical facility where they found a broken palate that required surgery and he lost multiple teeth.

We are incredibly lucky that this vicious and cowardly attack did not take Samir from us. The the healing process will be long and difficult. He goes in for surgery tomorrow. Hopefully soon we will have a better idea of what the road to recovery looks like.

One thing we know is that it is going to be a huge strain on Samir in many ways. We can help make it less of a financial strain.

Samir is one of my best friends on this earth. His kindness, joy, and generosity have enriched the lives of countless people and there is nobody who is a more genuinely loving soul. I have known and played music with Samir the last 25 years and am choking back hot tears thinking about how close we came to losing him. I cannot wait ‘till we are jamming together again. Please help Samir out after this vicious and senseless attack. Let’s let our love shine and show Samir how much we love him.

GoFundMe asked that I add some additional information:
My name is Mark Stratil. 
Samir and I grew up together in Pennsylvania. We have been hanging out and playing in bands together for over 25 years. We plan on using the funds to help pay for Samir’s medical and legal costs that have been incurred because of the attack. When we withdraw the funds the will be deposited into Samir’s bank account.
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  • Marilyn Magnus
    • $20
    • 5 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Mark Stratil
Denver, CO
Samir Poles

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