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Son, father of 5 w/Brain Tumor

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My son lives in Round Rock TX, has a tumor(Glioma) the size of a Golf Ball on his brain. His insurance does not cover the specialists needed to hopefully have a brighter outcome in life to watch his 5 beautiful children grow into adulthood. I'm asking for as little or as much you can spare to help my first born baby a chance to live a longer life than what he's facing with today without getting the help from this specialist on this monster inside him. God Bless you all & thank you for your donation's & prayers

Top left on your screen is the Tumor. Some of you have seen this through my daughter in law's post on fb. Thank you for your wishes & prayers. But now I'm reaching out for help to keep my son alive. This is disheartening that I need to ask, but any little bit helps. Thank You


  • Rachel Uchida
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Monica Cruz
North Las Vegas, NV

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