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Soloman William's Memorial Fund

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Welcome to Soloman William’s Memorial Fund Page!

We would like to thank everyone who has sent their prayers and condolences to our family in this extremely difficult time.

Each hour that passes, gets harder. But we have faith that together – as a family – we will make it.

Soloman who was affectionally known as, “Sol” was robbed from us on August 7th, 2017 around 4 o’clock in the afternoon.  

Police say, that is when an armed suspect tried to force his way into our home and our Sol died trying to protect himself and our family. He was shot to death in front of our new home – but that is not the story that defines him.

Sol was a hardworking man, a loving father, a great husband and an amazing human being. He was our rock until he took his last breath.

He will be remembered for everything he was, not what happened to him.

If you feel compelled to donate to our family so that we can give him the proper burial – we gladly appreciate it. Please know that your support means everything to our family.

With love,

The Williams Family


Funeral Arrangements:


  • Anonym
    • $500
    • 7 yrs


Louisa Williams
Union City, GA

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