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Climb for Cancer

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On the 1st of July 2020 I will be taking part in a Climb for Cancer.
I will be climbing Croagh Patrick barefoot while carrying +20% of my body weight on my back (~35lbs).
I’ve no doubt it will be a difficult and painful task, but nothing in comparison to what those who fight cancer go through on a daily basis.

None more so than a young girl named Erika, who all funds raised from this event will go towards in order to help Get Erika to America.

For those who haven’t heard Erika’s story, here it is, from her family’s perspective:

 “Erika was born prematurely at 31 weeks and had hydrocephalus and needed a shunt inserted into her brain. Erika had many hospital stays over the first 3 years of her life which included being treated for swine flu and pneumonia. Thankfully, she got through these awful diseases.

 In December 2018, Erika’s shunt in her brain blocked and she underwent brain surgery. Then, her tummy became very swollen for 2 weeks, which the hospital put down to constipation. However, this was not the case and Erika was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer in her pelvis.

Erika's kidneys began to fail and she ended up in I.C.U for 4 weeks where Erika underwent dialysis. This proves that Erika will fight anything thrown her way!

 Erika then went to Temple Street and had to go through yet another surgery on her brain, as her shunt blocked again due to the size of the tumour in her pelvis.

Erika had 9 cycles of VAC chemotherapy, reconstructive surgery and had 23 sessions of proton therapy in Essen Germany. In December, Erika got a scan to check the tumour after her radiation in Germany and the scan was totally clear, the cancer was gone.

Erika had just finished 6 months of chemo on Tuesday, 28th of April and had a scan to check the tumour as her treatment was finally over. Devastatingly, we got the news that Erika had relapsed and the tumour had grown in the same spot to 9cm in size. We are absolutely devastated and we will try every avenue to make sure Erika recovers.

 At the moment, Erika is undergoing chemotherapy in Crumlin hospital. After this, we are hoping to go to Amsterdam for further treatment to kill the 9cm tumour inside Erika’s pelvis.

 Our main aim is to GET ERIKA TO AMERICA, if the tumour shrinks enough to have it fully removed. This can cost over €650,000 including €450,000 just for the surgery alone, possible treatment that will follow post-surgery, aftercare, travel and accommodation expenses.

 We are trying all forms of medicine, natural alternatives, very expensive testing and every single thing we can that could possibly save beautiful little Erika’s life. We want to be ready to GET ERIKA TO AMERICA if it becomes an option.

 If Erika passes before this can happen and Erika needs palliative care, the funds will be used for her palliative care and the remaining funds will be donated to The Gavin Glynn Foundation and Aoibheann’s Pink Tie Charity.”

 100% of donations from Climb for Cancer will be going towards Get Erika to America. Myself, and I’m sure Erika’s family (pictured below) will be extremely grateful for all donations made to help give this little girl the chance she deserves and has fought so hard for.

 Thank you.

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  • Katie Bradley
    • €10
    • 4 yrs
Je contribue


James Greene

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