Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Sierra Loxton injury fund

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Hey guys! 

My friend and pro wrestler, Natasha Loxton( Aka Sierra Loxton) was injured during a match on Saturday night. The injury is serious, a broken lumbar bone which will require surgery this week.

This surgery will mean that Natasha will be unable to wrestle or work at her day job for an undermined amount of time. 

I want to raise money to help Natasha while she is unable to support herself and take away some of the financial stress during this time. 

Please give whatever you can to help Natasha, I know it will mean the world to her and her family. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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  • Anonyme
    • £25
    • 5 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Chris Roberts
Natasha Loxton

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