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Send lawyers to help children

Spende geschützt
Spanish speaking attorneys are actively being recruited to assist with the humanitarian crisis happening on United States soil right now. Seeking donations to assist with providing competent, pro bono representation for detained children and their mothers.  

Funds will be used for travel, food/lodging, and car rental for myself and Francis Donahue, a fellow Spanish-speaking attorney. These costs will be minimized as much as possible. All expenditures will be tracked and available for review.   At this time, our tentative fly out date is June 30, 2018, for a week long stay near one of the detention centers in Texas.  Details and updates of the work we do will be provided. 

Any excess funds will be donated to a non-profit organization yet to be determined. Hoping to do some vetting while "on the ground" to make sure every cent goes toward helping innocent children.   Details will be provided on the donation of any funds. Thank you.


  • Shawn Ulwelling
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Tricia Kingsley
Minneapolis, MN

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt