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Mortimer Family - Second Second Chance!

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Dear friends of the Mortimers,

As you probably know, Dylan is in the process of being listed at Columbia Medical Center in NYC for his second double lung transplant due to chronic rejection after a transplant two years ago. This was a lot to go through the first time, and while the last two years have been full of joy and health for Dylan, they are now preparing their hearts to go through it again. The antibody rejection will rule out a high percentage of potential donors, which means that it may be a long fight on the waiting list but they are hoping to list him with multiple centers within the NYC area to expedite the process.

There are many financial challenges associated with the wait, the surgery, and recovery: He’ll need to meet his $8,000 deductible before insurance kicks in, they’ll incur transportation and lodging costs depending on what center Dylan is matched with, and they’ll need help caring for the boys during surgery, recovery and during the multitude of medical appointments leading up to the transplant. After surgery, Dylan’s recovery will be more than a full-time job for Shannon and they’ll need a full-time caretaker to help with the boys. Finally, Dylan won’t be able to make and sell as much art during all this (though you know he will still try!).

I’m sure you are aware of the variety of ways this family has blessed so many. In the past months it has become more clear than ever that: 1. They have an amazing faith and trust that surpasses understanding. It’s seriously mind-blowing. (Check out Dylan’s Instagram  for more details on his art, his disease, and life in general). 2. They could really use our help and are humbly asking anyone who is inspired by their journey to come alongside them financially as they continue to battle for Dylan’s life.

Thank you for loving on them so generously. This is certainly not a situation anyone would hope for.  But in spite of immense challenges, they are faithful and hopeful that God once again has healing and victory over death and disease.  We’ve seen amazing things happen before, and we are believing for more! Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for your support!



  • Anonym
    • $175
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Traci Gray Ketter
Kansas City, MO
Shannon Mortimer

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