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Help Canadian Icon Keep His House

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Hello. I'm Kelly's son, Hank.

As many of you know, Kelly Jay, who played keyboards for the 1970s band Crowbar and co-wrote their smash hit Oh, What a Feeling, has had some hard times over the past few years. Between medical emergencies, financial burdens, and the loss of his wife of 15 years from heart complications, his health and ability to play music has deteriorated making it difficult to 'Keep on Rockin'. After Kelly's health deteriorated and his hoarding became worse, my sister convinced him to appear on an episode of the reality TV series Hoarding: Buried Alive in 2013.

In May of 2014 Kelly was admitted into the Peter Lougheed Centre for multiple health concerns including Cellulitis, resulting from Type II Diabetes. In his absence the bills started to accumulate. We kept abreast with trying to get back on our feet financially. My brother is a Machinist at Precise Engine Rebuilders Calgary, and his girl friend a Cashier at Auto Value. And I was a Registration Officer for the 2015 Federal Elections. Despite our best efforts things have come to a point of emergency and I am making this campaign to help my father alleviate some of his financial stress in time for the holidays.

In July, this year, Kelly received a notice stating that his mortgage had been in arrears to the extent of $4837.98 also declaring that he was made responsible for all the legal fees incurred by the lender which then totaled $525. The notice continued by demanding a payment to the total of $5362 within 7 days, failing to do so would result in the bank commencing foreclosure proceedings. Seeing as Kelly and immediate family didn't have access to the money necessary to pay the legal fees, and arrears, the legal fees had accumulated to a total of $3500 not including the initial $4837.98 owed in arrears.

My Goal is to help my dad pay off some of his outstanding bills, and ultimately the remaining arrears so that we may keep the house, and the bus full of his livelihood. My dad has been living in the house for almost 15 years, I moved in with him in 2006 after being involved in a tragic accident which killed my mother who was just 45 years young. Being evicted would be detrimental to his health and morale, and he would have to part with some of his most prized possessions. Another goal of mine being helping him find a way to display his stuff at museums, where he would like (such as the new National Music Centre in Calgary). One of the most important things to me besides helping
him keep the house is getting his book written so everyone will have one more thing to remember him by, and can look into the life of a Canadian Rock Icon.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Campaign. So many of you have asked how you can help and I really do think this is it, supporting even the smallest amount means a LOT to us.

Calgary Herald Article - Click Here 
Kellys Facebook - Click Here 

General Budget Layout:


Snap Home Financial-------------$125
Legal Fees--------------------------$700


Thanks again, and Happy Holidays,

- Hank


  • Anónimo
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Kelly Jay
Calgary, AB

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