Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Phoenix Fund Camp Hill School Fire

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This campaign fund is to raise money for the tragic loss of historical camp hill school.

the first $1600 or so will pay local help to dig safe paths thru the rubble,,wee need some $ to hook up electricity to the cafeteria($2000 ?) so i can get the woodshop going and make a living.  any xtra $ is to bee dibursed to the folks that had stuff stored in the skool...odds and ends(wheelbarrows,shovels,dumping fees,etc.) are needed to facilitate cleanup...
so far i've spent about $100 in labor and a few buckets and dust masks,,,

total losses ,,probbaly total half a million,maybe if ya nickel and dime it,,a cool million.

a real mess.

help if ya can...



wow!, the beams are like frozen wet speggetti,,

It is our hope to restore the spirit of Camp Hill High School even if we cant afford to rebuild it.  For setting the structure safe and cleaned out is our priority.  An incredible photo "op!" 

I fell in love with the ruins immediately.  A bittersweet beauty.  Until I win the lottery I think it'll make a fantastic sculpture garden...

As an artist I feel compelled to transform ugly into beauty and hopelessness into joy.

I could use some help---

Lets get to work



Je contribue


  • Katie Shevlin
    • $300
    • 5 yrs
Je contribue


Keen Zero
Camp Hill, AL

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