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Save Ariel's Horses Xenia & General

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Everyone who knows Ariel Cash Gerstner knows how much she loves her horses – Xenia, her “heart horse” and trusty companion General. 

Now Xenia and General are fighting for their lives.  They have apparently ingested some sort of poison.  Colic set in as a secondary issue.  Today was the day they thought they might have to put at least Xenia down – she hasn’t eaten for days.  General’s condition has gone up and down.  Also Ariel has just had a baby (May 25) and being up with a new baby and horses every 2 hours at night, raising her 2 yr old, and worrying have really worn her down.

But after a trip to CSU today, it is felt that we might be able to save them!  This will be very expensive.  Those of us in our close-knit family will be chipping in.  If anyone feels they might be able to help, it would be greatly appreciated – every lit bit helps.

See Saving General and Xenia facebook page for updates
Saving General and Xenia

Prayers for Xenia, General and Ariel's family!


  • Janice Wheeler
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Tamela Cash
Louisville, CO

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