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Save my life from CANCER!

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My name is Yana, at 26 years I`ve been prognosticated with cancer: abdominal carcinomatosis, doctors left me with no chance to survive. Its been a year since then, I am alive and I continue the fight for my life. I have passed through 13 сourses of chemotherapy, 2 of them in Israel clinic. My results are very good, after 13 chemo-therapies, the ontological markers fall down to 26.8! Now I need $142.229 to continue my fight, the Israel clinic offered me to make a surgery in order to eliminate the cancer. The rehabilitation as well as the surgery can cost my family up to $142.229. As my family live in a small poor country in Eastern Europe (Moldova), we don`t have enough resources to gain such a big amount of money.
My goal is $142.229 I thank everyone who is able to donate, as well as those who have not been able to donate. Please continue to offer your support and share my funding page on your personal media pages to help get the word out.
Please feel free to visit my facebook page, I need your support for the recovery.


  • Anónimo
    • $15
    • 9 yrs


Iana Pahopol
Gordon, NSW

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