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Save the Philadelphia Insectarium

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The Philadelphia Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion is an educational staple to not only Northeast Philadelphia, but all of Eastern Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. We strive to bring insects and other arthropods to the public in a way that they can be loved and appreciated. People may walk in thinking that insects are "creepy" but leave with the knowledge that these creatures have a unique beauty and are incredibly important for us and our planet. Where our mission stands strong, a significant number of our animals have been stolen and we are reaching out so that we can continue to educate and engage people with the wonderful world of insects.

The stolen animals include insects and arthropods used in school programs, exhibits throughout the museum, and behind the scenes rearing and feeding programs. 

You can read about this robbery on the Fox29 website here:


It is incredibly important to teach about ecology and natural diversity in today's world.  We hope to continue to do this work far into the future but could really use your help to get through this hard time! Please donate to help us bounce back from the hit our institution took due to this robbery...


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John Cambridge
Philadelphia, PA

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