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Lawyer Retainer

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I am setting this up for a dear friend of mine.   She is such a beautiful soul and it hurts me that she is going through this.  
She has been married for 20+ years.  One day, out of the blue, her husband says he wants a divorce.  No specific reason why other than he just didn't want to be anymore.  At first, he tried to make her get out of their house.  We were able to convince her that he cannot do that.  So now, he just basically ignores her.  He doesn't look at her, doesn't speak to her, just acts like she is not there.  This has been going on for months.  He just left her in limbo.  She went to visit her sister and while she was gone, he withdrew every single dollar, closed their joint accounts, and didn't even bother to tell her!  She found out when she went to pay for medications.   So now she is in a very bad position.  She doesn't work (due to health issues) other than selling some craft items online.  She spoke to several lawyers and they all stated that she would need to pay a retainer up front and then they can include other costs and fees with the divorce settlement.   
So I am asking for your help dear friends.  Any amount would help even if you can't do more than $10.  It would be greatly appreciated.  Y'all know I rarely ask for anything.  I hate to see my friend not only reeling from the hurt at the thought of divorce, but being totally screwed over by that assh*le.  Please help me.


  • Michael Lycette
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Sherry Springer
Layton, UT

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