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Sarah's Fresh Start To Health

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My sweet friend, Sarah, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the young age of seven years old. Since her diagnosis she has lived over 6,321 days with her disease,  lost over 3, 602 hours of sleep, pricked her finger over 35,740 times, and has had over 44,250 needle injections and counting. Each day holds something different. Sarah doesn't know if she is going to suffer through severe highs or lows day in and day out.  From the age of seven Sarah has been hospitalized from her disease countless times, each one scarier than the last. The most recent trip to the ER was just this past Monday, January 29, 2018 which resulted in her unconsciousness. Her pump is a helpful tool, but she has always been a brittle diabetic and is insulin resistant, causing severe lows and highs.

In November 2017, Sarah went in for her 3 month check up with her Endocrinologist. It was during this visit that she found out that there was another alternative to hopefully manage and change her life with Type 1. Her doctor informed her and her dad about a weight loss surgery that could affect her life in a radical way. Her doctor explained that the more insulin you take the more insulin you require. The more insulin you require the more weight you gain, so it continues in a viscious cycle. On average a male Type 1 diabetic takes 1 units of insulin per every 10 carbohydrates consumed whereas a female Type 1 Diabetic typically takes 1 unit of insulin per every 15 carbohydrates. Sarah is so insulin resistant that she requires 1 unit of insulin per every 5 carbohydrates. The goal of this surgery is to go from taking 80-100 units of insulin a day down to 10-15 units of insulin per day which would give Sarah reliability and consistancy in her health.

The other part of her goal is to get a medically trained American Disability Association (ADA) service dog to help monitor her blood sugar per recommendation of her doctor. The dog is scent trained to be able to smell high and low blood sugars before they become a problem. Low blood sugars are more of a risk after the surgery due to the specific dietary restrictions during the healing process. She and her parents have always been fearful of severe Hypoglycemia that could risk in losing her life during sleep.

After hearing Sarah say, "I can't wait for a life free from the fear of waking up, wondering, 'Am I going to be able to make it through today feeling okay?' I look forward to the day of looking back on what my health used to be to what it is now-- amazing" we have decided to surround her with friendship, prayer, and support. The goal is to get her surgery done between March and May. His name is Yahweh Jireh, the God that Provides, and we know that He will do just that!


  • Dot Hedman
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Jerica Arnold
Denton, TX

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