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Help Sandra Christian

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Help Sandra Christian! Sandra needs your help with medical expenses. Hard working and stubbornly independent woman won't ask for help on her own. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure on top of a short list of other medical problems.  After a two week stay in the hospital, her doctors told her the grim news...from then on she would have to have regular dialsys appointments 3 times a week and possibly a transplant.  Given her age of 76 the chance of a transplant is slim.  Even then, recovery and chances of infection would be astoundingly high. Sandra is at her wits end with medical and credit card bills. Bankruptcy and forclosure are in the imediate future. It's not fair that someone so loving and caring has to go through such a diagnosis alone.  She has assisted family member after family member in their times of need and strangers too its time everyone to show their appreciation. Anything is helpful, there are so many bills it's overwhelming. In advance I would like to thank everyone for helping out.  It really makes a difference!


  • Anônimo
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Matt Christian
Wichita, KS

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