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Samantha's Curvy Road

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Samantha was born on January 26, 2016. She was quickly diagnosed with Congenital Cytomegalovirus. This viral infection caused Samantha to have microcephaly, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, cortical vision impairment , epilepsy, feeding difficulties, and global delays. Samantha requires a great deal of care, multiple hospital stays a year, and a large team of specialists, therapists, and doctors. Since Samantha was born Brandi has had to miss a great deal of unpaid time from work, bringing home less than half her typical salary. Samantha sees the doctor  and has tests done so often that even with the amazing insurance offered through Brandi's employer; Brandi and Brian have paid over $3,500 annually just in co-pays since Samantha's birth. We've avoided doing a Gofund me page or having a benefit for quite awhile thanks to Brian's amazing parents who help support Samantha's parents financially as much as they can but it is time for a little extra help. Because there are very few doctors that know a lot about Congenital Cytemoglavirus Brandi and Brian have had to start getting second and third opinions from doctors outside of the Buffalo area and hope to continue to travel wherever need be so Samantha receives the best possible care.  Even if you are unable to donate thank you for taking the time to read this and educating yourself on our family and Congenital Cytemoglavirus.


  • Kathy Daurizio
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Brandi Hurtubise
Buffalo, NY

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