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Ryan’s Brain Surgery & Recovery Fund

Donación protegida
My amazing husband Ryan is a great father to our kids and a great husband to me. He keeps us laughing and on our toes all the time. We love and appreciate him very much! He helps families everyday by protecting them against the unknown in life, and now he and our family need your help. 

My husband Ryan has a rare condition known as Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome.  This means that he has a hole in the skull plate between his inner ear and brain. Since his condition started a few years ago, he has dealt with autophony, chronic balance issues, hearing his eyeballs move (imagine fingernails on a chalkboard), hearing his heartbeat amplified in his head, along with other disorienting symptoms. This makes it very hard for him to do every day things, including work, or play and interact with our family as much as he would like. Our kids are very active and want to run and play. It is extremely hard for me to watch him have to deal with these symptoms day in and day out. He goes through things every day that you would never fathom unless you were in his head.  The only way to correct Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome is to have brain surgery.  Otherwise his condition will continue to worsen. Having to deal with the prospect of surgery is bad, but I don’t even want to guess what the bills will be for the hospital, doctor(s),  and anesthesiologist. 

We have to travel to UCLA multiple times and will have costs associated with this that our insurance will not cover, such as hotel, food and travel costs. This fund will also help with our day to day expenses before and after his surgery as he will be off of work for six weeks or more after surgery. These next few months are going to be extremely difficult for our family. We appreciate anything you are able to give!

If you would like to learn more about what Ryan goes through every day here are a few links featuring his Surgeons:


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Rachel McFadden
Grand Junction, CO

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